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Tim Palmer talks to Steelo

Tim Palmer, Divisional Manager at Joseph Medway, speaks to Steelo about the process of hot dip galvanizing.

Steelo is a structural steel fabrication company based in Hounslow. Originally set up as a one-man venture in Isleworth by founder Michael Krajewski, the company has grown in size to over 20 people with a 12,000 square foot plant near Heathrow.

The company fabricates everything from beams to frames to posts and regularly uses Premier Galvanizing (a Joseph Ash Galvanizing company) to protect the steel with a galvanized finish.

At an event last year, Krajewski interviewed Joseph Ash Medway‘s Divisional Manager, Tim Palmer, to find out about the process of galvanizing. The video is available on the Steelo website. See it here.

Steelo is a great company to supply services to. Thank you for the video and recommendation!

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