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Leading the way at Folkestone Warren

Joseph Ash Medway provides metal finishing treatments for BH Engineering’s signpost panels at a nature reserve.

Folkestone Warren is an area of outstanding natural beauty along the Kent coastline. Visitors to the area can enjoy the stunning beach and the majestic views of the White Cliffs, as well as walks through woodland and fields, passing interesting sites such as Napoleonic Martello Towers and the ruins of a Roman villa.

Early in 2017 the White Cliff Countryside Partnership (WCCP), engaged BH Engineering Ltd in Deal, Kent to fabricate a series of signpost (interpretation) panels to be situated amongst the Warren, to highlight points of interest for visitors to the trails.

The project was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Bob Hogben, who runs BH Engineering Ltd, was happy to take on the project and he set about designing and fabricating 10 steel panels in close collaboration with Kirk Alexander of WCCP, which he then sent to Joseph Ash Medway for hot dip galvanizing and powder coating.

As part of the design, Bob wanted to depict the kinds of things that visitors to the Warren would see along the way. For example, wildlife, cattle, fossils, Roman ruins and the Martello Towers. His overall scheme included 10 separate panels each with different designs:

  • Highland cows
  • Ammonite fossils
  • Coccolith fossils
  • Birds
  • Butterflies
  • WW2 helmet
  • Roman helmet
  • Martello Tower
  • Hearts Tongue Fern
  • Starfish

As the panels are very detailed, and very large (3.1m high by 1.35m in width), it was a Summer-long project for BH Engineering Ltd.

Once the panels had been fabricated, they were sent to Joseph Ash Medway for their final treatments. Because the steel panels are part of the nature at Folkestone Warren, they needed to be protected from the elements with a galvanized and powder coated finish. These treatments prevent steel from rusting and provide longevity.

At the end of the Summer, the panels were finished and were erected at various points along the trails at Folkestone Warren. Artwork for inside the panels was designed and produced by Arc Creative Design Ltd of Folkestone. Visitors to the nature reserve can now see them, and use the information contained within to find out about specific points of interest along the route.

Bob Hogben said: “The panels were a labour of love this year. Folkestone Warren is an area of outstanding natural beauty and it was a privilege to be asked to create signposts that have now become part of the beautiful landscape.”

Matthew Hodges from Joseph Ash Medway said: “Folkestone Warren is relatively close to our Joseph Ash galvanizing plant in Kent, so it was also an honour when BH Engineering asked us to work on this project. We’ve visited the panels since they were treated at our plant, and it’s wonderful to see them at their final destination.”

To see photos of some of the panels along the trails, and to see them being galvanized and powder coated, click here.


About BH Engineering Ltd.

BH Engineering Ltd have undertaken a wide range of metalwork since 1994. As a CE (BSEN1090) marked company they are involved in civil and structural fabrication projects but also enjoy being involved in artistic work, forging, heritage restoration and much more.

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