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New CE Marking regulations for fabricated steel products

CE Marking of fabricated steel – will you be compliant with the new regulations by 1 July 2014?

As of 1 July 2014 all fabricated steel products that are supplied to a construction project must display the new CE Marking as per the Construction Products Regulation (CPR). If this is not something you have yet thought about, please start looking into it because from 1 July 2014 main contractors will only appoint steel contractors with the appropriate CE certification.

The certification process can take many months, so start this today if you do not want to miss out on business or large contracts after June. 

For more information about the new CE Marking please call us at Joseph Ash and ask for the Technical Support Team. You can also call:
The CE Marking Association on 01527 595066. The Galvanizers Association on 0121 355 8838. The BCSA on 020 7839 8566.

GET STARTED. It’s very important that you do not leave this until the last minute.

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