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31 years service at Joseph Ash Galvanizing

In 1985 Gorbachev became the de facto leader of the Soviet Union, ‘Live Aid’ took the world by storm, Windows 1.0 was released, and ‘Back to the Future’ appeared at the cinema. At Joseph Ash Galvanizing, this is also the year that Mohammed Zamen joined our company! Fast forward three decades later and we’re pleased to report that Mohammed is still here, as part of the Joseph Ash family.

Mohammed joined Joseph Ash Walsall in 1985 and has worked in ‘Pickling’ roles within the plant, where incoming steel is pickled in dilute hydrochloric acid to remove all rust and mill scale from the steel surface prior to hot dip galvanizing.

He is a popular member of the team, and, as stated by Charlie Singh at Joseph Ash Walsall, “Mohammed has been very hard working, a loyal employee and an example to all”.

Steven Hopkins – Joseph Ash Galvanizing’s MD – and some Walsall colleagues were recently on hand to give Mohammed a long-time service award.

Three decades is a great achievement.

Well done Mohammed!

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Stuart Whitehouse, dirrector of business improvement

Joseph Ash Galvanizing has a new Director of Business Improvement!

Meet Stuart Whitehouse…

Joseph Ash Galvanizing has recently promoted Stuart Whitehouse to the role of Director of Business Improvement. Within this role Stuart will oversee all health and safety, and human resources issues within the company. He also plans to:

  • Drive the review and implementation of a new, employee-generated set of company values, with an emphasis on customer care
  • Focus on succession planning and employee development
  • Spearhead and drive forward the ‘Continuous Improvement Teams’ within the company in order to create a culture of continuous improvement and best practice.

Stuart is definitely the best person for the role, having broadened his own career through working at Joseph Ash Galvanizing since 2002, as well as becoming an expert in health and safety, and human resources management.

Stuart’s CV whilst at Joseph Ash Galvanizing reads as follows:

  • He joined the company in 2002 as a Quality Manager at Joseph Ash Walsall
  • In 2004 he was promoted and was given the responsibility for health and safety at the Birmingham plant
  • In early 2005 Stuart was promoted again to become the Company Health and Safety Manager for all Joseph Ash Galvanizing plants
  • In 2010 he gained an MSc in Health, Safety and Environmental Management, and became a full chartered member of IOSH
  • In the Summer of 2012, Stuart became the Health and Safety and Human Resources Manager for Joseph Ash Galvanizing
  • He then completed a Diploma in Human Resources Management in 2014
  • July 1 2016 – promoted to Director of Business Improvement.

Congratulations Stuart! We wish you well in this new role. 

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Michael Ball

Michael Ball is a Quality Manager at Joseph Ash Medway, and he has just celebrated a huge 25 years’ service at the plant. To recognise this achievement we’ve interviewed him to find out about the last quarter century and what makes him tick!

Q: What did you do before joining Joseph Ash Medway?

A: I began my career as a fabricator welder serving a four-year apprenticeship with a company that built road bridges and other one-off structures. The apprenticeship covered all aspects of working with sheet metal to heavy plate fabrication, as well as becoming a code welder. I also had dealings with H.D.G and therefore became aware of the design factors required to get a good finish from galvanizing. The experience and training I received on the apprenticeship was second to none.

I then joined a company who acted as a supplier to oil refineries, which led to a role in welding inspection, testing and quality control. After this I joined Joseph Ash Medway as a Quality Manager and I’ve enjoyed the role ever since.

Q: So you started your career as a fabricator. Do you still make things out of steel in your spare time?

A: I’ve always enjoyed working with steel and still enjoy making things when I get a chance. In the past I’ve made a small elephant out of sheet metal, a hawk in flight, bed frames, garden furniture, lights, a small bridge and a scaled down batman car! And yes, most of these have been hot dip galvanized at Joseph Ash Medway.

Q: Having the experience as a fabricator, as well as 25 years’ experience working in a galvanizing plant, must make you a great resource for customers?

A: I hope so! I’m a great believer in galvanizing and I enjoy helping customers to think about their designs and advising them on ways to improve the fabrications to get a better finish. I’ve also worked on every part of the galvanizing and powder coating processes.

I suppose my speciality is being a more practical, hands-on person. I like to help people get the job done and resolve issues that others think can’t be resolved. If there’s a problem, I want to fix it.

Q: What’s the most interesting thing you have seen galvanized at Joseph Ash Medway?

A: I’ve seen a huge number of interesting sculptures galvanized at the plant, as well as an MG car and a Toyota rally car. I guess the most challenging and interesting items however were petrol tanks!

Thank you for the interview Michael. Congratulations on reaching this huge milestone at Joseph Ash Medway.

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Matthew Hodges celebrates two decades at Joseph Ash Medway

Matthew Hodges joined Joseph Ash Medway (then called Medway Galvanising Company) in March 1996, after starting his working career as an Import and Export Clerk at Ramsgate Harbour and holding various positions selling advertising space for trade magazines. When he switched to galvanizing he joined as a Telephone Sales Executive and remained in the post for four years.

From 2000 – 2004 Matthew became the Galvanizing Manager at Joseph Ash Medway, and then moved to Powder Coating Manager in 2004. Matthew has also held the post of Operations Manager at the plant for a period for three years, and now heads up the sales team as the Sales Manager.

After 20 years at Joseph Ash Medway, it’s fair to say that Matthew knows his way around the plant having held management positions in various key departments! He also knows a lot of the customers very well.

He considers his key specialisms at Joseph Ash Medway to be promoting powder coating and galvanizing, and he has enjoyed working with the people around him.

When we asked Matthew what the most unusual item was that he has ever seen galvanized at Joseph Ash Medway, he said “a gorilla made from wire which was 5ft high and 3ft wide”! 

Congratulations for 20 year’s service Matthew. We think you’re still young enough for another 20 years here!

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potential winner at EFF's photography contest.

Derek Foxton shortlisted as a potential winner at EFF’s photography contest.

We’re excited to announce that a photo taken at a Joseph Ash Galvanizing plant has been shortlisted as a winner in a manufacturing photography contest held by EEF.

EEF designed the contest in order to celebrate manufacturing through the power of image.

The award ceremony for the EEF Photography Competition will be held at the House of Commons on Thursday 10 December, hosted by Barry Sheerman, MP, and Terry Scuoler, Chief Executive of the EEF.

Derek Foxton took the photo of a horse sculpture at one of our Midland’s based plants last year.

Derek is a Hereford based amateur photographer, with a keen interest in manufacturing. According to the Hereford Times he said:

“I’m delighted to be shortlisted and honoured that my work will be on display in the House of Commons. Manufacturing offers lots of opportunities for exciting, interesting and dynamic images – the challenge as a photographer is to capture all that in a single shot.”

Derek’s photo will be on display at the House of Commons.

A representative from Joseph Ash Galvanizing will attend the awards.

Good luck Derek! We hope your photo wins!

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In January 1989, Mandy Filkins joined Medway Galvanising Company – now owned by Joseph Ash Galvanizing. At that time Mandy was part of a small team and was covering roles such as telesales, marketing and secretarial. Fast forward a quarter of a century later and we are happy to report that Mandy is still a valued employee.

In the 26 years Mandy has worked at the company she has had roles such as Galvanizing Sales Executive, and has helped to grow the company’s successful powder coating arm. Mandy also became the Mono Hinge Gate Manager, taking on responsibility for the entire business cycle of this unique product, from marketing through to sales, purchasing, manufacture, delivery and after-sales care.

To celebrate Mandy’s long-time service with the company, she was recently presented with some flowers and vouchers from Steven Hopkins, Joseph Ash Galvanizing’s Managing Director.

Congratulations Mandy! 26 years is a great achievement!

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From YTS trainee in 1990, to Finance Director in 2015 – congratulations Richard Hall.

Earlier this year we celebrated the fact that Jackie Bates had reached 25 years service with Joseph Ash Gavanizing. It’s now time to celebrate another member of the Joseph Ash team who has reached this excellent milestone. Step forward Richard Hall!

Richard joined Joseph Ash Galvanizing straight from school as a YTS trainee office junior back in 1990. He attended day release college studying for his AAT certification and in 1995 he took up a position as Assistant Company Accountant. In 2000 he was promoted to Company Accountant, a position that he held until he was promoted to Finance Director earlier this year.

In recognition of Richard’s 25 years service he was presented with a Mont Blanc Starwalker pen.

Congratulations Richard!

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Jackie Bates

Joseph Ash Galvanizing is made up of many employees, some of whom have worked for the company for many years. Jackie Bates is one such member of the team and we’re lucky to have her!

Jackie has just completed 25 years service with Joseph Ash Galvanizing and remains as hard working today as always. Team members honoured Jackie’s anniversary with a celebratory lunch, some lovely flowers from Steven Hopkins – Joseph Ash Galvanizing’s Managing Director – and some B&Q vouchers.

Congratulations Jackie. 25 years service is a great achievement!

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We have a great team of people working at Joseph Ash Galvanizing, and it’s time to celebrate two such individuals.

Firstly, Manjit Singh Sanghara, who turned 65 at the beginning of November and has just completed 41 year’s service with Joseph Ash. Manjit plans to continue working with us, which is great.

Secondly, Charanjit Singh, who took part in the Birmingham marathon in mid-October at the age of 60. Charanjit completed the 13.1 mile race in just two hours and 13 minutes and raised over £1400 in charity. Well done Charanjit!

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