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Medway Crematorium

Architect: Clay Architects
Name of fabricator: Hellings Fabrications Ltd
Hot dip galvanized by: Joseph Ash Medway
End client: Medway Council
Finish provided: Hot dip galvanizing and powder coating
Size and amount of steel: 5.8 metres high by 4.7 metres wide

Project goals
Clay Architecture was chosen by Medway Council to redesign and rebuild part of Medway Crematorium in Chatham, in order to house new fuel-efficient cremation ovens. It was a great choice by Medway Council as Clay Architecture had recently won the prestigious regional RIBA award for their work.

As part of the project, Clay Architecture asked Hellings Fabrications Ltd to build a two-tonne window screen. Hellings then asked Joseph Ash Medway to hot dip galvanize and powder coat their work. 

The screen was designed by Clay Architecture to sit in front of the crematorium’s chapel window in order to provide privacy for families attending cremations. It was also designed to let in natural sunlight, whilst at the same time preventing glare from the morning and evening sun.

It is a complex structure with many intricate sections designed to sympathetically suit the existing patterns on the crematorium’s windows.

What happened
Hellings managed the fabrication from their Margate workshop, and Joseph Ash Medway hot dip galvanized and powder coated it from their Medway plant. 

Because it is so large – measuring 5.8 metres high by 4.7 metres wide – it had to be fabricated and galvanized in four parts.

When the structure was ready, MGC transported it to Medway Crematorium, where Hellings erected it on site, using special lifting equipment.

The redesign of Medway Crematorium is such a stunning piece of architecture that it was awarded a prestigious RIBA prize for architecture.

The screen is a beautiful addition to the redesigned crematorium and Joseph Ash Medway was very proud to have been part of its production.

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